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Xue Jinyin
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Vehicle information: 2010 Peugeot 207, 1.4 displacement manual transmission, driving about 130,000 kilometers.
Vehicle failure: The speed bump squeaked over the right rear suspension, and the sound of tires rubbing against the inner lining could be heard occasionally during normal driving.
According to the owner’s description: The right rear wheel has been abnormal for a while. I have been to several repair shops and some said that the entire rear axle needs to be replaced at a cost of about 3,000 yuan. Others said that the bearing and swing arm need to be replaced, which is very troublesome. , The cost is about 1,000 yuan down.
The owner of the car passed by the Fat Brother repair shop at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and asked directly how much would it cost to fix this? The fat brother replied that the cost of replacing only the bearing is about 100 yuan, and the labor cost is 200 yuan. This is really troublesome to replace, and I have changed it to Fukang 998 before. In the morning of the second day, the owner rushed over and asked Fat Brother to replace him.
Fat brother analyzes the cause of the failure:
The rear suspension design of Peugeot 207 is rather peculiar. There is no coil spring, and the weight of the body is supported by a torsion bar. The principle is a bit like the front suspension of Dongfeng Fengxing Lingzhi Big Bread. Tire friction inner lining is really rare in general models. However, there are two needle roller bearings in the 207 swing arm. If the casing and the bearing are damaged, such problems will occur.
Repair steps:
The right rear wheel has rubbed against the inner lining.
Therefore, 207 does not have a spring, and a mark must be made on the torsion bar before replacement to prevent the suspension heights on the left and right sides from being inconsistent after installation.
Remove the swing arm.
There are traces of wear on the needle bearing on the shaft tube.
There is a feeling of unevenness and pits when touched by hand.
It took a lot of effort for the boss to take out the bearing inside, and the old bearing has fallen apart.
Water in the bearing.
Two newly purchased bearings and one oil seal.
Bearings are not expensive, about tens of yuan a.
Insert the bearing into it.
Spread butter.
Install the oil seal.
The shaft tube can be polished with sandpaper. As for how long the bearing can be used for installation, it is not easy to say. It may be a few months, or it may be used for three or five years.
Installation is relatively simple, just align the marks.
The pallet is tightened against the screw, and the tire is installed as soon as it is installed.
If you have any needs for automotive bearings, roller bearings, please consult us. Email: 1059442410@qq.com
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